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35 (68.6%)

Total Members Voted: 50

Author Topic: Petition to revoke Clubstep's key  (Read 2770 times)

NOEDIT: I somehow expect someone to say "Petition to revoke CustomCup's key".
Lel. Comedy gold

Petitions don't do stuff unless its the Nigerian Cunts.

Are you serious right now, why would you try to petition someone for their key to get revoked over a ban.
I don't even know why your account exists after custom cup ended, I bet you are a RMC player?
But yeah this is a pretty ridiculous revoke reason.

Are you serious right now, why would you try to petition someone for their key to get revoked over a ban.
I don't even know why your account exists after custom cup ended, I bet you are a RMC player?
But yeah this is a pretty ridiculous revoke reason.

These have never worked in the past, why would they work now?

I vote to revoke OP whos with me say I or you are revoked because Im offended and its aginst the law