Author Topic: slammer got the shakes  (Read 1119 times)

hi everyone. i haven't been here in a while and that will probably not change but since i'm here now i minds of well add in a thread. this isn't a state of affairs sort of thing and i don't really plan on making one since most people won't really care in the slightest, but since i'm a bit bored and ill i might as well post what recently happened this morning.

since Wednesday or Thursday i had a real bad head cold which actually forgeted me up a bit. i talked to one of my friends about it and it seems to be a contagious thing so idfk might as well something about it. i got some pills to help with the cold from Walmart and this morning they actually helped a bit, but my mom suggested still taking one before school. she sternly convinced me to also take not one but TWO baby aspirins to help with the headache i got. oh forget me.

on the bus ride to school i started to violently shake and sweat everywhere to the point where i couldn't feel my hands and feet, and i felt like i was about to vomit and stuff at the same time. i immediately went to the nurse's office before i even went to homeroom, and i was taken back home early.

i'm okay now, if not a bit nauseous. i typed this up while in bed, and i haven't gotten up since i returned home. right now i'm just extremely tired. hopefully i'll have enough energy tomorrow to go back and do my normal weekend stuff.

don't do drugs, kids. otherwise you'll have serious grammar issues when making your threads.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2015, 08:20:05 PM by Slammer1337 »

i did?
I had the same exact stuff happen to me after eating nothing for like 2 days

I had the same exact stuff happen to me after eating nothing for like 2 days
huh. i guess it because i didn't eat nothing after taking the stuff.

i wasn't really hungry then when i was sick, and even after what happened i'm still not hungry for the most part. that's probably why the nurse offered juice and crackers when i came in. i gladly took the juice because i was dehydrated to hell and back but i only ate like one cracker.

sorry you felt that way, hope you're alright
i minds of well
also this bothers me

i thought you got milkshakes

hopefully you find out what actually caused it, and that it doesn't happen again.
minds of well
also: it's "might as well," not... whatever that is.

also this bothers me
also: it's "might as well," not... whatever that is.
give me a break i still feel like i went on a Kennywood ride that was set on max speed :panda:

i thought you got milkshakes
i did have a milkshake around Thursday night that really helped with a sore throat issue (part of that cold i had prior.)

Who poisoned your aspirin

Op's having a heart attack

whatever you don't freak out or you'll die