Author Topic: espio - what  (Read 10818 times)

you're sitting around pulling the 'woe is me the new generation is composed of degenerates and i am a paragon of righteousness and virtue for not falling to the vile temptresses that have claimed my peers' card and you're calling him melodramatic

^Literally from damp's profile

^Literally from damp's profile
How is that relevant??

I also went to a highschool where drug use was pretty prevelant. Yeah there were quite a few people that smoked but even then they were still a minory. Close to maybe 3% of the schools population of 1,500 smoked. Although that is by experience, you're still greatly overexaggering the issue by complaining about a vocal (or in this case smelly) minority for just by hanging out with stuffty people.

That is real life, and you better get used to it kiddo. You're not a perfect shining angel amist the sea of black lungs.