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Author Topic: Randomized Shockwave DM![beta]  (Read 628 times)

                                                                                                          Randomized Shockwave DM

Hello everyone! This is my old server that I just fixed up, and starting to host again. I am currently looking for a new administration crew, and some people to help me build a new map. Pictures and description will be shown next so you can see what it is like.

Spawn Room

Help Room/Rules


Arena[Afghan DM recolored]

Description: There are 3 classes to choose from, all with different health, and speed. Whichever you select, you spawn in with 1 Shockwave, and 2 randomly selected weapons. There are 4 keys throughout this map, which you obtain either randomly, or from vending machines throughout the map. Each key is different, and provides different buffs, so try them out. You can only get 1 per match This is a Deathmatch, so it's you vs. everyone, and typically with high amount of players it is fun. Come check it out!

Administration Help Needed:
Super Admins(3)

Building Help -- Any, if you can.

Feedback is welcome. I appreciate it to make my server better. (Please note that this is in Beta, so I will be adding/removing features frequently. Also, don't expect anything to be permanent as I am trying to balance and improve everything.

If you are interested in admin, apply on my page https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ww-jKjeXJfCYBpsZ4biTeIiV_0ytkQPoy70vRs4_fS0/viewform?c=0&w=1
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 09:53:56 PM by Thejmanny »

holy forget that map is ugly
why is everything so randomly colored

yeah im gonna have to agree with table, it looks like you used no effort :T