Author Topic: Mass Panic in France while laying down flowers for victims of terror attack  (Read 1529 times)


Too bad there isn't a "you shake your head in disapproval you lose" thread because I lost right there.

That's really unfortunate...

This just in!

Is 4chan the newest CIA recruiting grounds!?
More at 11...

This just in!

Is 4chan the newest CIA recruiting grounds!?

But its not 11 yet...

« Today at 04:22:51 AM »

i mean i guess you're right

it's funny how you're just as anonymous on reddit or imgur or w/e yet 4chan is always the epicenter of stuff like this

it's funny how you're just as anonymous on reddit or imgur or w/e yet 4chan is always the epicenter of stuff like this

Except it gets tracked and people get arrested for stuff like this.

One man put the coordinates of a murdered girl on 4chan to go out on a scavenger hunt. Turns out the police monitored the 4chan thread and found the guy.

Flash bangs went off causing panic because of another possible terrorist attack.