Author Topic: school counselor is a loving bitch  (Read 722 times)

i really hate my school counselor.

so i was at the conclusion of p.e. class, changing out when i hear my coach shout my name, telling me i needed to head to the office. so i do that, i'm all chill n stuff then i see her, HER, SCUMBAG! the councelor doesn't really look at me that much before turning and leading me into her office. we sit down across from each other, and she stares at me for a long time with a slightly irritated expression. i'm confused, so i decide to break the silence by explaining how things haven't really been working out for me. she replies with a sigh, and asks me what medication i'm on. i tell her, all that stuff, blah blah blah, and we begin to talk about my behaviors, mind you that whenever i admit something to her, or otherwise just prove myself wrong by speech, she gets this nasty loving smile on her face that looks like she's proud of herself for whatever reason. i tell her that i've been having trouble talking to people, and she responds with something that seriously confused me, "it's because of the violent video games." what the forget? what does this have to do with me being slightly antisocial, i mean sure it can be an escape n all that but loving really? so we get a bit deeper, and i get a bit frustrated with her, more and more she gets sassier, and i finally loving collapse in the midst of it and say "screw you." that's what triggered her, her facial expression turned sour and she opened her desk drawer immediately, pulling out a card with what appeared to be a phone number, and of course she called it without much explanation. so, after that, she walks hastily out of the room, and within 30 minutes she tells me that i have to meet with a few people. i walked into the conference room, and i see people from some sort of crCIA company, and she has that god damn smile back on her face. they pull up a chair for me, and tell me that they were called in because i was having severe depression. i tell them that that was not exactly the case, they look at her and she just shrugs her shoulders. later they call in my mom, she has to work because we're not in the greatest financial situation, so she was a bit mad with me, but anyway, they had a lengthy discussion about how i should be hospitalized or some stuff, i wasn't really listening, and then they proceed to leave the room. i wasn't paying attention mind you.

so, share stories of terrible people at school or whatever the forget it doesn't matter. and i sorry for the way i wrote this, it's 5:29 am and i'm just tired.

you sure this is a school counselor

isn't the job of a school counselor to not be antagonistic and actually be helpful, this sounds like the exact opposite.

Hm.... Your counselor seems to be a total idiot....
....then again....

Complain to someone in power that the counselor isn't doing her job right. Because she isn't.

Complain to someone in power that the counselor isn't doing her job right. Because she isn't.

Are you certain that there wasn't a specific reason why she called you in after PE?

It's just that you said you weren't listening at the end, so maybe you were distracted about why you were called in, and there was an actual reason?

I don't mean any offence, but we don't really know what your history is at your school or with the counselor.