Author Topic: things you used to do as kids but don't do anymore  (Read 1893 times)

I was actually something of a mob boss at my after care (day care for after school). I could ask anyone to do anything, and they would do it. For example, if I wanted to have someone get acorns thrown at them, I would have a 3rd grader do it for me.

I had a big notebook full of dumb drawings of stick figures doing stuff.

Be able to play video games for SIX HOURS STRAIGHT. (Without getting bored or forcing myself)

Use a scooter without getting a cramp after 5 minutes.
Not have tinnitus.
Be on every bandwagon.
Play on a PS2 daily, for hours.
Go to school.
Play Roblox.
I had a big notebook full of dumb drawings of stick figures doing stuff.
act like a complete handicap without having second thoughts about it.

i used to be obsessed with planes when i was like 7

now im like "oh thats cool" whenever i hear something interesting about planes