Author Topic: (Reupload) /clearghostbricks  (Read 909 times)

A couple years ago I created a basic script, using mostly copies from the code help thread I was on, and some error help. I happened to find the file sitting on my old hard drive and decided to re-upload it.
Its not one of my biggest accomplishments, most of the code is copy/pasted. So don't harp on me for having "copied code". I created it when I was like 10, I went through a stuffton of crap and changed my personality/social skills so if I ever decide to remake this it will be more professional. Again, this is just a reupload of the add-on. I did go over the add-on to make sure it worked, and it does.

You can download the reupload here.

If you're unfamiliar with Google Drive, click this little arrow on the page to download.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2016, 03:56:09 PM by Ducky duck »

Click the arrow?
forget you I'll click wherever I want.
OT: thanks for this

I think you made a mistake here. For some reason you put the loop that iterates over all bricks inside the loop that iterates over all clients.