Author Topic: ROBO7988143 - Horrendous Renderman Survival  (Read 7861 times)

several eyewitnesses and also your past behavior (read: "User was banned for this post") are plenty evidence

if you ask anyone thats been in the discord for the entire lifespan
they'll all say he acts edgy and really odd

Oh dear.

Whilst I can't speak for his social life, I have been good friends with Ze Operator in-game long before I knew his reputation on the forums.

I've talked to him a lot privately through the years, and he usually has good intentions.  He never spoke to me like he speaks on the forums.  He unintentionally paints a corrupt picture of what he's actually trying to say most of the time due to his intense irritation at, well, whatever he is irritated at.

For example: McJob went on an angry tyraid because he thought I was being pretentious (?) but I found out that it's because of negative experiences he's had in the past with people who sounded a lot like me, but who were actually quite different from me.  He was just trying to stop what he thought was a problem before it began, but the way he was trying to do it appeared hostile at first, which I found was because of his upbringing in Australia.

Not all is as it seems.  I could just be extremely biased, but there you go.

I am glad I NEVER joined that server

Doesn't seem like a renderman survival to me. it looks like hell survival.