Author Topic: How the hell do you make a huge wearable trashcan? (ft pictures)  (Read 2219 times)

Apperently there is an anime con tomorrow and I totally forgot and cosplay tickets are cheaper.
So ima cosplay as my waifu and make a huge trashcan
but how
FUnfact: This is actually a serious topic
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 05:15:45 PM by espio100 »

By wearing a anime shirt or a fursuit

Seductive Chef          
cut arm and leg holes through a bin then use string to keep it on you

find one of those metal trashbins and get a cutty tool to cut holes where necessary
wear the lid on your head like a sun hat

I found a large cardboard roll and made a stuffty last minute garbage (get it) cosplay wich I find quite amusing. Will post pics later

people fought wars for me