Author Topic: I've had a stuffty morning.  (Read 400 times)


I was walking to the bus and then I farted. I still had some gas, so I tried getting that to pass before I got near a group of people, just so I don't fart near others. So then I farted again, but this one felt wet. I then waddled home to take a shower. While drying myself off, I managed to loving dislocate my knee, so I spent 2 minutes in pain, trying to pop it back into place.

I feel like a loving baby. How's your day so far?

So did anyone hear you stuff yourself?

afehjldgjb you had me at dislocated knee

So did anyone hear you stuff yourself?
I doubt it, but I certainly hope not.

I'm sorry rigel but imagining this is hilarious

Day has been pretty awesome so far for more reasons than one