Author Topic: forget EA's Bullstuff  (Read 1435 times)

I'm trying to buy all the DLC for the Mass Effect franchise. Back when ME2 was being released, there was a promotion that involved Dr. Pepper where codes could unlock you in-game items. Dr. Pepper isn't sold in Australia (and I only bought ME2 a few years ago, well after the promotions ended), so I never had the opportunity to get these items.

Never fear, though! The items are inside a DLC pack called the "Recon Operations Pack"...except that it's PS3-exclusive, for literally no reason. Apparently there's no way to buy or unlock the pack for PC, but I had an idea; BioWare's DLC system is all linked up via this User Entitlements thing; if I buy the pack for PS3, surely the items would unlock for PC and Xbox, right?

I contacted EA Support, and I was told flat-out "No, there's no way to unlock the ROP for PC and you need to buy a PS3 to unlock those items". Obviously, I was quite upset (no swears, amazingly), so to paraphrase what happened next:

"No, we will not release that DLC for you so you can buy it but we will give you two 15% off discount codes that you cannot use together, forcing you to make two separate purchases and you can only use these codes on these selected games that you don't want! Enjoy!"

I assume they wanted to force-feed me this bullstuff so I'd be happy because I got something, but I'm loving pissed off. This is loving ridiculous. How come a company that it amazing at turning everything into DLC is REFUSING to release a DLC pack? What the actual forget is wrong with EA? It's three loving items in loving Unreal 3; just forgetin tick a box, pack it up and then forgetin sell it for 160BP.

forget EA, man.

I remember when EA was a decent company

it's PS3-exclusive, for literally no reason

probably because of some agreement with sony? just like every other platform-exclusive content?

probably because of some agreement with sony? just like every other platform-exclusive content?
Some forgetwit at BioWare apparently made posts saying that "This content is available for PS3 users because they never had the chance to unlock it during the time the promotion was open". I really doubt this is a Sony deal since this is not a substantial DLC package (look at Ubisoft's PS3-exclusive DLC), and EA is in bed with Microsoft.

@EA, how about you loving open the promotion to all Australian users since we never got it? Or make it time limited for PS users? How about you stop being giant loving roosters and actually sell products so you can make that money you apparently want so badly.

so it was an all-platform promotion and they added a pack for PS3 afterwards because the promotion was over, I understand now, I thought it was PS3 exclusive all the way through

still though, there are a lot of reasons to hate EA, is not being able to get some armor from a soda promo that happened 6 years ago really that big of a deal? these cross merchandise things happen all the time, and part of the reason they do it in the first place is to encourage you to buy the game early so you don't miss it (the other part being so you buy the product they're partnered with)

the only reason they gave PS3 players the extra option is because it was actually impossible for them to own the game during that promo period, it's not exactly their fault that you bought the PC version a few years after it was over

somehow a very similar thing happened with spore. the did a dr. pepper promotion for a ton of loving awesome robot parts, and i got it when it was happening, but if i ever wanted to get it again, i'd probably be SOL unless there's a mod that unlocks them or smth

Had they sent some Dr Pepper to Australia I might understand.

And it's not just EA pulling this stuff; Singularity PC, a whole game, is not available on the Steam store in Australia, yet you can buy the game just fine in any other region. Activision blames Valve, Valve won't release any information. Apparently you can receive the game as gift from another region with no issues, but it's absolutely ridiculous that this problem exists in the first place. I can buy retail copies of Singularity PC in Australia, so why the forget is it not on Steam for my region?

forget australia's bullstuff

forget australia's bullstuff
How is this Australia's fault? @the Singularity thing, I bought the game on Xbox 360 on release day here in Australia at the same time as the US and the rest of the world, and the PC retail edition was also in store that day. This is Valve's fault for reasons they won't loving describe, and their support team apparently don't want to fix the issue.

@The Dr Pepper thing, EA should have compensated somehow because it's nobody down here wants that Dr Pepper stuff anyway.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 07:30:52 PM by McJobless »

no i meant in general, forget australia's bullstuff, their loving poisonous everything, stupid deserts, not buying mass effect 2 dr. pepper, forget 'em

forget EA. They closed down MAXIS and now this happens.

forget EA. They closed down MAXIS and now this happens.

It went downhill when they closed Westwood