Author Topic: [WHAT A TROLL "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO"] I think a virus killed Duck Q.'s PC  (Read 5711 times)

I'm starting to lean over that he is trolling me.

im starting to lean over the fact you are so stupid to think this is a virus

Literally lol'd at this. Seriously.
im starting to lean over the fact you are so stupid to think this is a virus
Come one man, what if his PC really is in trouble. You just never know.

Fake. No reports of this virus and this looks photoshopped.

anyone who uses shimeji should be treated as 1 fifth of a person

those are shimejis
Aha! So that's where the skins came from.
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬ is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
Meta_KnightX: Nice try fella. But you can't trick me like that
Meta_KnightX: Blf has come altogether to prove that this is just a prank

anyone who uses shimeji should be treated as 1 fifth of a person
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 09:54:51 PM by Meta_KnightX »

Meta_KnightX: So how's your "virus"
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: :^))))))))))))
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: Well
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: its clearly not
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: and also
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: uh
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: why share it on blf
Meta_KnightX: I was seriously worried about you and your PC :(
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: huehue
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: On serious note
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: jeebus
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: it was a prank
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: I didnt see how you got THAT worried
Meta_KnightX: Knew it.
Meta_KnightX: And the forums didn't like me on that topic.
☬[Aimnot.exe]Duck Q.☬: lol
Meta_KnightX: d: