Author Topic: I work at Staples Business Depot, want to know retail secrets? AMA.  (Read 1612 times)

If anyone's actually interested in getting a retail job, try to get one at Best Buy. You might get lucky and get a kickass store like mine.

I'm thinking about getting my next job at a retail store. What's it like working in retail?
It's fine I guess. Depending on the type of store and your bosses, you might be pushed to accomplish generally unrealistic goals, but as long as you do your job it's pretty secure. I wouldnt call it good work mainly because there are a lot of stuffty people in my area but its fine I suppose. Also I seen you wrote this from your phone, have you heard about liquid armour?

How can you keep up with the dreadful customers? That is, trying not to swear at them.
Kill them with kindness. It's pretty funny to see how ballistic they get when you refuse to stoop to their level.
It's even better when my managers are around to witness it. Turn the dreadful customers into a joke. They're like trolls, all they want is a reaction (or free stuff).

How godawful is your easytech service? Are they geeksquad levels of satan or just lesser computer satans?
I actually dont know much about Geeksquad because I hate going into Best Buy, as ours is pretty much trash.
Nonetheless, the actual service itself is pretty mediocre. If you know anything about computers you'll be able to do our services in the same amount of time or less. Not to mention none of it is cheap. If you want us to wipe a hard drive its $99. But depending on the circumstance theres also a $49 diagnostic.

However, the actual technicians I have worked with are really knowledgable and do genuinely care and want to help.
Depending on the severity of the issue they really dont like to charge customers more, especially if theyre regulars.
Our current technician is really awesome and she does a great job with any computer as long as the district managers arent looking lol.

This falls slightly under easytech but Squaretrade/EasyCare plans are actually really good warranties. We dont ask questions and just give you your money back if the item fails. (Or unexplicably breaks).

i think i remember reading some exposeé on why staples is a terrible business but i don't remember much
do you have any reasons for why staples is terrible
too unrealistic and bad bidness.

did you work in the back or the front?

if the front, i'd like to hear if you have any interesting stories about customer interactions
I work out front on the tech floor. I have quite a few stories about nasty customers but I will have to wait until later whem Im actually home to write those walls of text.


Dont worry papa ronny staples is buying out office max for dat bidness.

why did the staples near my house change locations to one that's on the most annoying road to drive on in the city? why are you forcing me to go to office depot?
Probably has to do with not making enough money.
Its either a better spot for traffic or is a cheaper spot to operate on.
Staples customers are very creepily loyal so if the location changes they still tend to show up.

did you feel the effects of me getting a local staples to price match a network switch, generating a loss of $15 for the company?

did you feel the effects of me getting a local staples to price match a network switch, generating a loss of $15 for the company?
no because as far as I know we get rebated for price matches.

how does it feel knowing youre ruining dunder mifflin?

how does it feel knowing youre ruining dunder mifflin?
Oh god I forgot we sold that. Its good paper but forget its awful man.