Author Topic: Blockand citizen makes a mistake and makes a im bored thresd that goes wrong  (Read 1767 times)

Here is a thread that you can just complain about the other thread I made and anything else I have done

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: June 01, 2016, 10:01:00 PM by Badspot »

Oh stuff what are you doing. Stop.

not making the case any better for yourself here

I should just throw my computer out the window

I should just throw my computer out the window

You'll make these forums a better place.

I should just throw my computer out the window
Switching the computer off would be a smarter decision but ok.

I think he wants his forum ban to be really special.

I should just throw my computer out the window
If the Blockland forums is all you've got, go right ahead. You've already violated the rules twice afaik, so yeah have fun bud. You could use your computer to throw out the window for next year's science class in order to help your fellow students understand gravity and the stresses that occur when an object with a high velocity collides with something static and solid.

If the Blockland forums is all you've got, go right ahead. You've already violated the rules twice afaik, so yeah have fun bud. You could use your computer to throw out the window for next year's science class in order to help your fellow students understand gravity and the stresses that occur when an object with a high velocity collides with something static and solid.
help them study behavior patterns of autistic children

help them study behavior patterns of autistic children
gg lmfao