Author Topic: its my birthday ask me almost anything  (Read 2534 times)

I thought this was common knowledge lol

how tight is your pu-oh wait your a guy. oops-sure looks like a girl though.
happy bday! are you ready to become a fossil!? :D

i know this isn't a question, but happy birthday!

will you let me wear ur sweatshirt

how tight is your pu-oh wait your a guy. oops-
excuse you he's a bird he has a cloaca

Are you gonna tell the forums the story

not as small as your richard YOYOYO THE CAMERAS RIGHT THERE CALM DOWN MY CONTENT IS SATIRE AND SATIRE ONLYget a load of this guy cant even post images correctly
also "", "laughing-meme-gif"

lmfao big richard or small richard im a bottum so 💁🏽💁🏽