Author Topic: crashing shortly after game start.  (Read 1821 times)

i have been playing blockland since about 2010 with zero issue. but lately, the game has crashed within seconds whenever i open it without fail.

i have removed prefs folder, re-opened steam, re-booted my computer, re-installed the game,and downloaded the game from the blockland website. none of this has worked.

if anyone could help me, that would be great.

post a console.log

yeah i was about to mention, the console log does not report anything. the game just crashes. i dont actually know how to copy- paste the console log but if you tole me how that would be great.

previous topic that is still on the front page

yeah i was about to mention, the console log does not report anything. the game just crashes. i dont actually know how to copy- paste the console log but if you tole me how that would be great.
attach it to your post

click additional options -> click browse -> select console.log

here it is.

Yeah, I have the same issue, however, once the Blockland Launcher has finished loading, the Blockland window doesn't show up, causing the game to crash. Here's the log: (NOTE: Very long)
//-------------------------- 7/20/2016 -- 22:00:59 -----
System & Processor Information:
  Mac OS X 10.9.5
  4.0 GB RAM
  1.4 GHz unknown Mac model (4 cores)
    x86 Architecture
    MMX detected
    SSE detected
Math Init:
   Installing Standard C extensions
   Installing Assembly extensions
   Installing SSE extensions
Input Init:

Video Init:
   Accelerated OpenGL display device detected.

Blockland v21m build 1984
Module Directory: /Users/DaleRaider/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Blockland
Profile Path: /Users/DaleRaider/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Blockland
Total Ram: 4096 MB
OS: OSX 10.11.5 r199506

--------- Parsing Arguments ---------
argc = 4
argv[2] = -noconsole
argv[3] = -steam
Parsing command line arguments: -noconsole -steam
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
--------- Loading Common ---------
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
Loading compiled script base/main.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/defaults.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/defaults.cs.
Executing config/client/prefs.cs.
Executing config/server/prefs.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/defaultAddOnList.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/defaultMusicList.cs.
--------- Loading MODS ---------

--------- Initializing Base ---------
Loading compiled script base/client/init.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/init.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/canvas.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/audio.cs.

--------- Initializing Base: Server ---------------------
Initializing steamAPI...
  SteamAPI initialization successful, allocating steam objects
Steam initialized...
Steam unlock successful, will use Steam authentication
Loading compiled script base/server/mainServer.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/scripts/game.cs.

--------- Initializing Base: Client ---------------------
Loading compiled script base/client/message.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/mission.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/missionDownload.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/actionMap.cs.
Activating the OpenGL display device...
Activating the OpenGL display device...
Cleaning up the display device...
>> Attempting to change display settings to windowed 1344x840x32@60Hz...
Created new window for GL [1344 x 840].
  port = 14016992
Successfully set up AGL windowed support [1344 x 840]
  doesn't need to ressurect
  saved prefs
OpenGL driver information:
  Vendor: Intel Inc.
  Renderer: Intel HD Graphics 5000 OpenGL Engine
  Version: 2.1 INTEL-10.14.66
OpenGL Init: Enabled Extensions
  ARB_multitexture (Max Texture Units: 8)
  EXT_texture_filter_anisotropi c (Max anisotropy: 16.000000)
OpenGL Init: Disabled Extensions

  Video::setDevice - activate call done
  Video::setDevice - resetting canvas
Resetting Canvas...

OpenAL Driver Init:
   Vendor: Any
   Version: OpenAL 1.2
   Renderer: Software

Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/allClientScripts.cs.
Activating package: CanvasCursor
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/allClientGuis.gui.
Executing config/client/config.cs.

--------- Loading Client Add-Ons ---------

Client checking Add-On: GameMode_Tutorial
Loading Add-On: GameMode_Tutorial (CRC:-2066542589)
Executing Add-Ons/GameMode_Tutorial/client.cs.
Executing add-ons/GameMode_Tutorial/tutorialCompletedGui.gui.

Client checking Add-On: Bot_Hole
Loading Add-On: Bot_Hole (CRC:762734326)
Executing Add-Ons/Bot_Hole/client.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Bot_Hole/wrenchBotDlg.gui.
Executing Add-Ons/Bot_Hole/wrenchBotDlg.cs.
Activating package: ClientBotHolePackage

Binding server port to default IP
UDP initialized on port 64932
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "base/data/shapes/player/decal.ifl"
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "base/data/shapes/player/face.ifl"
Starting client steam authentication...
Engine initialized...
Received stats and achievements from Steam

Executing config/client/avatarColors.cs.
Loading object base/data/shapes/player/m.dts
Authentication: SUCCESS
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/client/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/client/prefs.cs for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/client/config.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/client/config.cs' for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/server/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/server/prefs.cs for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/server/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/server/prefs.cs for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/server/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/server/prefs.cs for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/server/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/server/prefs.cs for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/server/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/server/prefs.cs for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/client/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/client/prefs.cs for writing.
Executing config/server/prefs.cs.
Stored stats for Steam

Exporting server prefs
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/server/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/server/prefs.cs for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/server/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/server/prefs.cs for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/server/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/server/prefs.cs for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/server/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/server/prefs.cs for writing.
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/server/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/server/prefs.cs for writing.
Exporting client prefs
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/client/prefs.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/client/prefs.cs for writing.
Exporting client config
ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create path for "config/client/config.cs"
Unable to open file 'config/client/config.cs' for writing.
Shutting down the OpenGL display device...
Cleaning up the display device...
Killing the texture manager...
Making sure the rendering context is not current...
Deleting the rendering context...
Destroying the window...

looks like it can't write to the correct paths
this seems to be a glitch on the mac steam version, instead of trying to write to the BL folder it's trying to write to the root folder

i'm curious if running it as administrator would let it write to the paths, but would probably be safer to run BL without steam if possible
another thing you could try is making symlinks to the correct folders from root, that way when BL tries to write to the root folder, it gets redirected to the BL folder

i have windows, i have tried running windows without steam, and im gonna need a more thorough explanation of creating symlinks, but thank you for the help youve given so far.

i have windows, i have tried running windows without steam, and im gonna need a more thorough explanation of creating symlinks, but thank you for the help youve given so far.
you are not ALLAN_Buzzy, you are captainsparkelez
he probably should be making his own topic for his own problem, since it is not the same problem
that and for some reason I can't quote his post

also just installed BL on steam, and it appears that the console logs are similar
yours is crashing after receiving stats and achievements from steam, and doesn't make it to the authentication success

something strange that I see with yours is that yours is loading Support_Garage
I'm not sure why this is happening, since you say you have no add-ons and it's a clean install
it doesn't appear to be a default add-on now, since I have just done a clean install and I am missing it

i deleted support garage and im still crashing, is there a way to remove my stats and steam achievments?