Author Topic: Marina Joice is mental -- "Marina, The Goddess of Love"  (Read 1782 times)

well you ate a sock and didnt sleep for 48 hours willingly so i'd think your mental health is out the window
that wasnt zealot who ate the sock
it was Zealot, not zealot
theres a obvious difference between the two and i have no idea how you could be dumb enough to confuse the two of them
jesus christ its first grade wtf

OT: Anyone attracted to her, listen to Masterlegodude: "Dont stick your richard in crazy"

Lmfao she didn't even bother to wait a week between publicity stunts. This stuff is just blatant attention seeking.

looks like she has some competition with aphredite

whats next on her list of publicity stunts?  "goddess held hostage, send help"

what lol
you have to wonder if these people really believ these things

She's a con artist. No other explanation behind it

Hey guys, if you listen carefully she says “Help me”

breathe if you're in danger