Author Topic: the pinnacle of review channels  (Read 573 times)

so im just chillin out on youtube and all the sudden i see something about food reviews for wheat thins and for whatever reason i thought it was good idea to watch it. turns out this dude does covers, food reviews, toy reviews and whatever else.

what even

my question is how channels like this got so popular. maybe its because kids like to watch rich people open stuff they can afford

anyways can anyone tell me what is going on?

no offence meant is this guy has problems or anything i just found this a little odd

it's a joke channel
he's been at this for like 3 or 4 years
i'm fairly sure that he's stuck in this accent that he's created and is now forced to do these videos because nobody will hire him

Because approximately 87.5% of Americans do not know good entertainment.

I remember seeing this on h3h3.
I still have nightmares.