Author Topic: neventii  (Read 5316 times)


i hope its just another troll that gets banned
damn dude you're one to loving speak

just because george bush was hated doesnt mean that he can't say things that are correct from time to time.

just because george bush was hated doesnt mean that he can't say things that are correct from time to time.
Ya, but the hypocrisy.

just because george bush was hated doesnt mean that he can't say things that are correct from time to time.
Dubya must have a miraculous personality because all it took was a couple of stuffty paintings before everyone forgave him for starting an unnecessary war in the Middle East.

neventii : "im not handicapped i swear!!!!"

Do you want to talk about that number I got today from a cute girl.
was the number 555-0124

im hight as stuff anyone want to do a survey

im hight as stuff anyone want to do a survey
>when you're so lonely you have to go on the internet when you're high because you have no one to chill with.

Keep in mind: brozie is autistic

Also his abs look weird

Keep in mind: brozie is autistic

Also his abs look weird
now this we 100% agree on

Keep in mind: brozie is autistic

Also his abs look weird
lol rude

How many alts does Neventii have