Author Topic: [news] there's a pill that lets you use 100% of your brain power  (Read 3153 times)

The reason you don't always use your muscles at full strength is because they're srrong enough to tear themselves from the tendons.

this pill will allow us to finally see 60 FPS
Sorry, no pill can fix blindness.

time to overclock my brain, then overheat and die


i'm honestly surprised people still fall for this stuff

the fake forbes toolbar leads to the intelligen homepage and that "" link is enough of a red flag + fake facebook comments!
not surprised if you get paid to post this crap.

iirc the average human uses 20-30% of the muscle fibers in their muscles at almost all times, except when adrenaline is released during stressful high-performance tasks or emergencies, under which circumstances around 65% of the muscle fibers can be used
better to live with damaged muscles than to.... die with also damaged muscles

iirc seizures are cause by an unusually large amount of electrical activity in your brain. the smaller the amount of activity the less intense the seizure (like grand mal vs petite mal)

your muscles spasm because your brain is trying to get rid of the excess electricity so it diverges it into your muscles
thats pretty interesting
like dang the brain just overloads on electricity
it makes sense why the muscles spasm now though

stephen hawking went to my school from 1952 - 1959
fun fact

fun fact: stephen hawking goes to my school and he gave me snake enhancement pills which will, quote, "shred your nards like a barracuda." his words, not mine.

p sure you already use 100% of your brain power

all brain power is constantly in use. sure, brain ACTIVITY might spike, but that's not power. "why doesn't brain activity always run full throttle?" my response: why don't cars always run full throttle?

calling bullstuff
If humans didn't use %100 of their brain, they'd be slobbering imbeciles that couldn't function.
Source: was told this by a neuroscience professor at Cornell