Author Topic: Windows is magically consuming all my disk space with its updates  (Read 1045 times)

So I have a filled-to-the-brim SSD as my boot disk and Windows is a cunt and keeps trying to download and install ALL updates onto it when I don't have the space to do all the updates at once. I tried creating a symbolic link between the SoftwareDistribution folder to my other drive, I assumed this is where all the data was supposed to be stored, but apparently its being downloaded somewhere else, because it keeps pushing my disk to 0kb. I don't know where else to look and I cant see where Windows is writing its data. Can anyone help with this? I have Win 7.

install linux instead its better

Run disk clean-up, select the drive Windows is on, press the 'Clean up system files' button and select the drive again. The item labelled "Windows Update Clean-Up" should be what you're looking for, if not you could see if there's anything else in there taking up way more space than you'd like. In the 'More Options' tab you can also clean-up system restore and shadow copies to free up some space as well.

Run disk clean-up, select the drive Windows is on, press the 'Clean up system files' button and select the drive again. The item labelled "Windows Update Clean-Up" should be what you're looking for, if not you could see if there's anything else in there taking up way more space than you'd like. In the 'More Options' tab you can also clean-up system restore and shadow copies to free up some space as well.

Holy stuff 7 gigs of Windows Updates. Thanks my dude.

install linux instead its better
if you like only being able to play like 5 games without using an emulator go ahead.

wow wtf

And then Tokthree saved everyone's harddrives, the end (:

But how did I not notice I was 4TB short? No wonder steam games seemed too loving huge for me.

It didn't delete the majority of the data from the disk cleanup until I shut down and turned on my computer this morning. Around 9 GB of free space now, nice.

It didn't delete the majority of the data from the disk cleanup until I shut down and turned on my computer this morning. Around 9 GB of free space now, nice.
delete research