Author Topic: RTB Forum working.  (Read 1255 times)

Not sure about you guys, but the RTB forums would never load for me, till today. I randomly clicked "Visit site" on google pictures and turns out the pic. was on RTB forum.

So yeah, its working, you can download and stuff...

Was a topic about this already made? No clue, didnt do research. Aint nobody got time fo' that.

That's not the original site by Ephi, it's a backup created by Daprogs. RTB is shut down, though.

Oh...well...didnt notice the link. Aint this an awkward situation.

Oh...well...didnt notice the link. Aint this an awkward situation.
Not really. You made a mistake. stuff happens lol

Hopefully you've learned to read links from this situation. Wouldn't want to fall for a phishing scam later in life.

I'm furryous about this thread.

Let me just lock it, so we can all forget about this like it never happened. There we go.