Author Topic: Germastar Drama  (Read 3079 times)

Remember this screenshot?

Actually kinda funny, he said the same to me when he once explosion spammed in my freebuild.

"There's a bug so I can exploit freely even if you tell me not to"

Remember this screenshot?

wtf that'd be like if somebody set off a bunch of bombs to blow up in a city just because they exist and that he can.
This guy's logic is screwed up.

wtf that'd be like if somebody set off a bunch of bombs to blow up in a city just because they exist and that he can.
This guy's logic is screwed up.
Its practically all he does in the game

So one time, i tried to make a box with a team spawn in it, using slayer, And i made a minigame labled 'Germestar.' And you have no items, no building permission, etc, but they left after realizing that i was an anti-germestar host

but how the hell does germestar not remember what they did before. HOW.

tried to crash a RP server gg, he got catch'd.

Actually kinda funny, he said the same to me when he once explosion spammed in my freebuild.

"There's a bug so I can exploit freely even if you tell me not to"
It's not a bug. But it could and is used for malicious use.
Relays would never get removed though because they're mandatory for eventing.

He said he was going to leave on my merp and ended up doing a GORE spam. I perma banned him.