Author Topic: Annoying Orange supporter kidnapped and tortured, broadcasted using facebook  (Read 5204 times)

And people ask why I'm slowly becoming tribal
do ppl really ask you that

The worst thing about this is that it will undoubtedly be used to fuel the fire of reactionary proto-fascist politics in a way that distracts from the true tragedies of this incident and instead funnels attention into hatred and austerity, whether one is becoming hateful as a result of learning of the incident, or otherwise.

because they are taught to be.

this. racism against whites is the only type that's still widely accepted (and even encouraged) in the world

Ugh, that's just terrible. I genuinely hope the Annoying Orange guy is OK.

Fascists deserve it. They are an ACTUAL threat to the country, unlike these troubled youth.

Fascists deserve it. They are an ACTUAL threat to the country, unlike these troubled youth.

Fascists deserve it. They are an ACTUAL threat to the country, unlike these troubled youth.

how to look stupid 101
Clever comeback. Next time instead of embarrassing yourself trying to sneak in that sick burn I'd suggest you refute one of my many, many, many points.

What? Did you even watch the full video?
What the hell?! It's 28 minutes long! Of course I didn't. Do you sit and watch every CIA beheading in full?

His kidnappers said some other stuff that makes it very evident this was related to his political stance, or at the very least, some tribal remarks he may have made.
I'd love to hear those specific examples, if you wanted to support that point. I genuinely haven't watched more than 90 seconds but the fact that you're so vague makes me suspect you haven't either.

Clever comeback. Next time instead of embarrassing yourself trying to sneak in that sick burn I'd suggest you refute one of my many, many, many points.
"me, an intellectual"

The only person embarrassing themselves is you.

What the hell?! It's 28 minutes long! Of course I didn't. Do you sit and watch every CIA beheading in full?

"me, an intellectual"

The only person embarrassing themselves is you.
You don't have to be an intellectual--I'm not--to point out that clickbait is bullstuff. The fact that you think so says more about you than anyone else here.

You don't have to be an intellectual--I'm not--to point out that clickbait is bullstuff. The fact that you think so says more about you than anyone else here.
You have to consider yourself an intellectual if you think those points you made deserve debate and not ridicule.

You have to consider yourself an intellectual if you think those points you made deserve debate and not ridicule.
That's an statement you could apply to genuinely anything--much like Calender's--and as such neither hold weight.