Author Topic: Always back up your saves  (Read 480 times)

I learned this the hard way. Quite recently I ran into an issue with one of my hard drives on my laptop in which my computer simply would not read the drive anymore. Since I have a 1 year part warranty on my laptop, I am getting a new hard drive sent to me. However, after asking if any of my data could be recovered, I was informed that it could not.

So because of this incident I have lost all of my Blockland saves. This includes projects that I have spent the past year working on. Some of them my friends have saved, but many of them were projects that I worked on alone. Obviously the smart thing to do would have been to already have my saves backed up, but of course it never occurred to me that something like this would happen.

I feel like I'm giving some sort of PSA, but always back up your saves. And maybe... just maybe someday we will be able to cloud sync our saves through steam. I am now going to give a proper burial to one of my builds that I saved a screenshot of.

R.I.P. Killhouse

February 2016 - December 2016

just maybe someday we will be able to cloud sync our saves through steam

should be in general discussion but anyway stuff dude that looked like a neat save, rip