Author Topic: Operation: Mystery Dazzle  (Read 325 times)

Probably a poor operation name.

Someone has purchased me a pretty pink carnation via the Valentine's day school fund raiser. The card that came with it did not include a name in the "From:" line. All I have to go on is the handwriting. They wrote my name. The handwriting is mediocre, and almost like I wrote it myself, except it doesn't have my stylized 'R's. So I can safely discredit a glitch in my memory.

I will be asking several people to write my name.

Alternatively, I can bend reality. As soon as the flower people came, I thought, "Maybe I shoulda bought myself one for the seeds." Then voila! I got a flower. This probably isn't it, though.

Do you guys have any better ideas as to finding out who sent me a flower? Aside from asking them, I've already been doing that.

if you get no responses start kidnapping people and tie them up and ask them who gave you the flower at gunpoint

if you get no responses start kidnapping people and tie them up and ask them who gave you the flower at gunpoint
If I do, the spanish teachers would be the target, they were the ones organizing the fund raiser.

Mystery solved, it was a guy in my friend group. forget forget forget, I get too into this torturous holiday. I had hope, but nope.