Author Topic: [PJW] "Conservatism is the new Counter-Culture"  (Read 6173 times)

Sargon and the other right-wing pundits

Sargon is far from being a right wing pundit

Counter-Strike: Global Triggering

Counter-Kike: Global Warming

i'm not going to pretend i've watched the video because i haven't, but i'll just say that most americans consider themselves conservative, and that ideological drift has been happening in both directions for decades now. conservatism isn't a counterculture, the real explanation is probably just that america is becoming much more of a conflict culture than in the past, along with the rest of the western world. american conservatism isn't radically at odds with the fundamental values of american culture, and neither is american liberalism. they're different takes on the same core values, and the political landscape has just become increasingly divisive for the time being. why does it need to be a counterculture anyways?

in fact, i'm surprised that conservatism is the one that's being pointed at as the counterculture here at all when left-leaning movements and organizations seem to have been the ones most compared and connected to disgruntled violence and protest in recent american history because they want fundamental, overarching changes to cultural ideals and society. not that liberalism is either in the slightest.