Author Topic: Old player trying to play again: "Server could not verify your Blockland ID"  (Read 1136 times)

Hiya BL Community!

It's been a while. I tried playing again and this error haunts me at every server:

  • I can properly access
  • It shows I'm authenticated
  • When I host my own or singleplayer server, it boots me after a while. Console shows the same error about not verifying my BLID
  • My ISP is currently in a Strict NAT structure for some reason, but I can play every other online game on Steam fine. No other game whines about my ISP, except probably Blockland.

Any help would be appreciated, especially if there's quick hotfix Badspot can do about Strict NAT isp's?


Usually when this happens its when you click the join-game button before you auth, but from what you've said it looks like that's not the case. I'm not sure exactly what conditions need to be met to verify a blockland ID. I assume its something close to having a connection to the auth server, not having 2 people playing at the same time with the same ID, and not having a revoked key. Maybe ask badspot what those conditions are exactly, and then determine whether or not you are meeting them. Maybe re-set your IP and see if that helps..?

Usually when this happens its when you click the join-game button before you auth, but from what you've said it looks like that's not the case. I'm not sure exactly what conditions need to be met to verify a blockland ID. I assume its something close to having a connection to the auth server, not having 2 people playing at the same time with the same ID, and not having a revoked key. Maybe ask badspot what those conditions are exactly, and then determine whether or not you are meeting them. Maybe re-set your IP and see if that helps..?

I really think it's a Strict NAT issue that Blockland may have not solved yet.

Also, bumping.

is your ip dynamic? it may be auto booting if it detects you authenticating on different ips, though i doubt this is the case. it seems like its related to your internet settings - you should tool around with that and see if you can fix it that way.