Author Topic: Servo2's City Rpg - Rev1986 & Secret Service  (Read 1278 times)

It's that time of year again where Servo randomly decides to once again host his "legendary" city rpg server which has its positives and negatives. As of now, I still quite enjoy the server ever now and then, but there are always badmins and annoying rule breaking players lurking around in which today's drama on this city rpg server is going to be on 2 annoying rule breaking players that I had to deal with, Rev1986 & Secret Service. And while there is plenty of things to talk about with these 2 handicaps, I'm going to do my best to summarize my experience with them.

It first started with Rev being a mindless dumbass by constantly banging on my door in my store for over 20 minutes while talking to other players in which he continued to cuss in chat. Sadly, I did not get pictures of this part, but I have some pictures of his later actions and things he said and chat that back up my claims. This was followed by a couple more disturbances by Rev until Secret Service came along, constantly spamming and begging for money in chat and causing problems. Rev would then respond to this with more trash talking and insults.

After some time of this, I began to calm down from their awful behavior (btw, there were no admins on at this time) up until I got wanted and was unable to pay my dems because they decided it would be hilarious to block the door and attempt to baton me every time I spawned in. Rev would block the door saying, "just say please" and laughing about how funny it was to him while I continued to warn them that they are breaking the rules and will be reported, but they pursued in their childish behavior anyways which is not surprising since Secret Service even admitted to having been dramed many times before. Finally, I got into the Police Station when Rev suddenly came in and killed me which resulted in him further breaking the rules.

Even after all bullstuff, I still ended up being arrested as they thought they would get away with this and as they put it "this is fun, we should do this again tomorrow." Luckily, I have some pictures of what they said and chat and 1 picture of them trying to baton me when I'm saying PAYING in which I wish I had taken more pictures to prove what I claim. The point is, I hope somebody or an admin on the server take action against Rev1986 & Secret Service and just be cautious of them when playing on the server.


city rpgs are toxic and are to be avoided, youngling.


Ive been on this game for 5 years, and I can safely say that CRPG servers are to be avoided.

I remember someone doing rule breaking a while back.

Not supporting Rev or secret service, just saying its a big ol case of irony