op is talking out of his ass and everyones believing it haha
who honestly cares go away
OP its 43% so u probably didnt drink too much, its not gonna expire so unless it was a gift i dont think its gonna be a huge problem.
its a drink after all, it was meant to be drunk, if ur parents get mad because u had one shot-worth of the stuff then lmao dont buy a single 300 usd bottle
I hope you guys noticed the fact that the bottle is full in the image.
its 43% and he drank it during cooking, not much wouldve been used. he also said in this thread he topped it up with a different scotch (which is an awful idea and mightve ruined the original flavor of the expensive supremo scotcho ur parents bought)
i get that its piecrust but i honestly dont see piecrust as a liar
maybe the price of the bottle is inflated but regardless like stop being so buzzkilly its weird as hell