Author Topic: People in my server have immense latency spikes  (Read 855 times)

I was hosting a Super Creeper server when people in my server started reporting ping off the charts, 2000 ping!
As the host, I was not getting any lag and my ping was a steady 20-30 ms.
How do I make people not experience heavy latency?

You don't get network lag as the host assuming you're not dedicated. Only fix is to get better internet.

As the host, I was not getting any lag and my ping was a steady 20-30 ms.
if you're hosting it locally on your computer you should have 0 ping

How do I make people not experience heavy latency?
you need a better connection to them
either you need better internet/they do, or live closer together

if you're hosting it locally on your computer you should have 0 ping
In Blockland, hosting a server in-game will give you a constant 30 latency. This probably isn't actually 30 latency.

oh, was thinking of dedicated servers connected through LAN
pretty sure it shows up as 0 ping in the server browser