We return. Djasha is a far cry from the olive skinned hard worker described, but that's just what happens when only two people are able to be named and both of them are white. Don't worry though, I'm sure he'll last.
God is dead and a sham.
After the last round of awful diseases, we have three medicine left, not even enough to save one person, let alone 3 (the 4th was a prisoner we released after she caught it). Torin, Indrick, and Djasha are deathly ill.
Indrick, not content to die in his bed, takes one last walk into the snow. He denies treatment.
Suddenly, a tribal raid. They're weak and poorly armed, but they outnumber us. The snow will slow them down, so our guys shouldn't have too much trouble shooting them down.
However, this fight draws all potential doctors away from the hospital. All patients die in their beds. Torin, Indrick, and Djasha die.
At least someone misses Torin...
Because Cheese certainly doesn't.
We briefly invested in a hydroponics bay, only to find that the power consumption was too high for our grid to maintain. Additionally, the cold would often kill the plants at night. For the moment, they lay dormant.
Which is a problem, because we have no food left. I set the remaining 4 colonists, Cheese, Bradley (to be renamed, if interested. she's a nice lady), Supr. Race, and Jeb Bush to full forage mode.
It goes alright. Berries are an interesting thing. They don't incur an "ate raw food" penalty, but they harvest slowly and in very low numbers. This haul took days.
Wait, what? I've never seen this event before. A bunch of pigs just show up? Why? How??