Author Topic: Some dumb game mode I was thinking of  (Read 1062 times)

So you know how school shooting game modes come up every once in a while? Well I was thinking of doing some sort of shoot out between a gang and swat team members that lasts 3 minutes and each player only has 1 life. Idk I was just thinking of it, and if it comes up on the server list, feel free to join or just say something on the blockland glass main chat about it if you want.

there was something like this about school shooting where both cops and shooters spawned and the shooters tried to kill the kids and cops

There was a server someone made that was like this, it was really good so this wouldn't be bad either, especially if teamwork was encouraged.

aka counter strike? :^)
i think something like this should play more like the swat games or rainbow six siege if you've never played swat