Author Topic: [NEWS] Delta passenger kicked off plane for using the bathroom  (Read 1574 times)

welcome to america boys

The only person that could possibly get in actual danger is the one on the toilet. Most airplane accidents happen on take off and landing so just in case something happens you're not allowed to use the restroom so you have a higher chance to survive.

Wouldn't wanna sit in a stuff cabin without any seat belt stuff when there's a hard landing.
yes because it poses no threat to anyone else if you have a 80 something kilo human cannonball being lobbed around the plane

yes because it poses no threat to anyone else if you have a 80 something kilo human cannonball being lobbed around the plane
he's in a bathroom and how violent do you think takeoffs are i mean they're bumpy but cmon really?????

Imagine the passenger actually going. If anything bad where to happen, Delta could be a fault and would most likely get sued.

But since the plane wasn't moving uhhhh
« Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 03:56:00 PM by Emgiell »

Maybe,,,,, idk,,,,,,, use the bathroom before you get on the plane?????????? This doesn't happen often so it's clearly not a real problem if you're not a dunce. If he had to go that badly he had been clearly holding it for some time already.

he's in a bathroom and how violent do you think takeoffs are i mean they're bumpy but cmon really?????
Or he's on his way to or from the toilet in the aisle. And plus twerky was talking about in case of emergency, which is what takeoff protocols are mostly about.