Author Topic: How does code on playertypes work?  (Read 1432 times)

I want to make a playertype that changes its view direction to be closer to the direction it's moving. This seems pretty simple logic-wise, I can probably make code for an event that does this when you run it on a loop but I don't know how to make this code run on the player and not as part of an event. It doesn't really make sense as an event; it's better to put it on the player because it's entirely a player-based thing.

How does code on playertypes work? All the documentation I can find is on modelling them... I need something either running on a loop all the time or while the player is moving under their own power.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2017, 07:38:46 PM by Super Suit 12 »

normally playertype code is just simple things
either attribute changes so the player jumps higher/is slower/has more health/goes super fast while crouching
or is things to modify functions like being damaged

I'm not even sure how you'd go about changing the player aim over time without a loop, which you could do regardless of having a playertype
the only thing having a playertype would add is to only change players aim if they're the playertype (could just be a variable set instead though)


Checking movement is a little hacky without client scripts, the best thing you can do is use Player::getVelocity(); to help with that.

Here's an example player loop:

function Player::moveloop(%this)
       %this.moveloop = %this.schedule(1000,moveloop);

if you want to cancel it type cancel(findclientbyname(yourname).player.moveloop); in console
« Last Edit: June 07, 2017, 07:10:47 AM by PhantOS »

if you want to call something when a player spawns as a particular datablock, you can define a function as SomePlayerArmor::onAdd(%datablock, %obj) (replace SomePlayerArmor with your datablock's name)

there's also SomePlayerArmor::onNewDatablock(%datablock, %obj) it seems and i'm not sure what the practical difference between the two is, or if there is one, i'm just looking at some old code i made and for some reason i used both so i figured i'd mention this one too. i feel like onAdd should catch all cases tho

edit: onNewDatablock is called when you change datablocks, while onAdd is just a callback for when an object is created with that datablock. when you use onNewDatablock make sure to call the parent tho (ie parent::onNewDatablock(%datablock, %obj); ) since Armor::onNewDatablock actually has default functionality

Here's an example player loop:

function Player::moveloop(%this)
       %this.moveloop = %this.schedule(1000,moveloop);

if you want to cancel it type cancel(findclientbyname(yourname).player.moveloop); in console
to add onto this, it's generally good practice to cancel the loop at the beginning of the loop function:

function Player::moveloop(%this)
       if(isEventPending(%this.moveloop)) //not sure if this if statement is really considered necessary, just force of habit for me

       %this.moveloop = %this.schedule(1000,moveloop);

that way you can only ever be running one loop at a time. without this, if moveloop were called a second time, it would begin another loop, and if called again, a third loop, and so on, and you would only ever be able to keep track of one of these loops at a time. as you might imagine, this can cause unexpected and wrong behavior and really make things generally difficult to deal with
« Last Edit: June 07, 2017, 02:08:39 PM by otto-san »

You don't need the pending thing.

if(isEventPending(%this.moveloop)) //not sure if this if statement is really considered necessary, just force of habit for me

It's not, by calling isEventPending you're effectively just walking the event list an extra time.

Code: [Select]
void cancelEvent(U32 eventSequence)

    SimEvent **walk = &gEventQueue;
    SimEvent *current;

    while((current = *walk) != NULL)
        if(current->sequenceCount == eventSequence)
            *walk = current->nextEvent;
            delete current;
            walk = &(current->nextEvent);


bool isEventPending(U32 eventSequence)

    for(SimEvent *walk = gEventQueue; walk; walk = walk->nextEvent)
        if(walk->sequenceCount == eventSequence)
            return true;
    return false;
« Last Edit: June 07, 2017, 02:28:50 PM by SUSHI »

Thanks, everyone. I'm currently working with onTrigger to use the jet key. Blockland Content Creators discord was faster.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 01:02:17 PM by Super Suit 12 »

Of course it is, the forums are awfully slow because not everyone is checking every topic