Author Topic: Bot events ignored?  (Read 1727 times)

I'm struggling with a bot issue. The command "GoToBrick" only seems to work when it is the only event on the brick. I'm running a relay that changes the destination every 5 seconds, but it seems that the bot would rather jump around like an idiot than follow a more complex command. Help?

Truly sorry about the enlarged image. If mods want to fix it, feel free.

wow that's big
for future reference use [img width=999] for ur tag

wow that's big
for future reference use [img width=999] for ur tag
Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately, can't change it now. What do you think is going on here?

Here is a smaller picture for clarity

so with only onbotreachbrick it works?

Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately, can't change it now. What do you think is going on here?
you can modify posts youve made outside of the drama board just for future reference

you can modify posts youve made outside of the drama board just for future reference
i don't think you can modify in help either

i don't think you can modify in help either
this is true

make another event, but vastly simplify it so it has ONLY the things you want

as in take all the centerprints and colorfxs out they're just overcomplicating it
re-add that stuff after you figure out whats wrong

although its possible that its an issue with the event itself because teleportation events are hard as richard to get to work

this is true

make another event, but vastly simplify it so it has ONLY the things you want

as in take all the centerprints and colorfxs out they're just overcomplicating it
re-add that stuff after you figure out whats wrong

although its possible that its an issue with the event itself because teleportation events are hard as richard to get to work
those aint teleportation events, those are all default events

those aint teleportation events, those are all default events

i thought he was using the old bot events which had goToBrick but it was a teleport

either way still simplify it

Does the bot touch the brick after it swaps the target brick and it still doesn't work?

you can modify posts youve made outside of the drama board just for future reference
I would love to edit but there seems to be no edit button. If you have a work around, please enlighten me.

Does the bot touch the brick after it swaps the target brick and it still doesn't work?
The bot reaches the brick then ignores the next command, which is to go to the next brick. I've tested this on multiple scenarios and my conclusion is that bot code ignores a brick that has more than 3 events on it. Could be an anti-crash protocol, but I don't know for sure. I guess I'll have to fiddle with the system a little more to get things working my way.

Thank you to those who gave constructive comments.
