Author Topic: Back In The Saddle!  (Read 1074 times)

So I played Blockland when I was younger, say 12 or 13 years old. Now I am 21. I remember the game being such a blast and now I am wondering what is there to do now? Besides the obvious of building homes and etc.

Also Where is the best place to go for addons/mods? Now that RTB is gone.

theres a lot more room for creativity in bricks and shaders now given that you have the capacity, idk what kind of servers are up rn but usually something neat has some players on it. the forums here are the best source of addons at this point, Blockland Glass might work for you too

blockland glass has moderator-reviewed addons but unfortunately despite being around for a while there hasn't been a lot of top tier mods like in the old rtb days.

some major changes you probably have noticed:
-steam integration, and 200k+ id's
-no maps, but now have support for shadows and shaders
-some more default addons like bots and default doors and sports items and modter (allows you to build vehicle-collision-stable terrain)
-events are default (if you were from v8 days) and expanded wrench menu

some addons you really should get:
-new duplicator - best lagless duplicator with mirroring, box selection, save/load dup support, and other quirky functions like painting and wrenching all bricks
-zeblote's drop down search addon - makes finding things in dropdown lists really easy

some good addons:
-Emil's smallbricks, smallramps, vertical print plates
-Demian's brickpacks (not BB), or BlackDragon's filler brick packs
-Any default door bricks you can find, honestly
-Octagon bricks/1Random Brick Pack (contains those plus a bunch others)
-Extra fences
-bushido's tier tactical (old but still the most stable weaponset out there)
-Greek2me's Slayer (TDM mod replacement with extra gamemode functionality)

blockland glass has moderator-reviewed addons but unfortunately despite being around for a while there hasn't been a lot of top tier mods like in the old rtb days.
I would still suggest getting on Blockland Glass, regardless of the add-on quality. The IRC and ability to contact friends in-game makes it worth it (although I suppose there is Steam for that now, so meh). Either way, if anything is going to sufficiently replace RTB, BLG is it.

Anyway, great to see you're picking up the game again! The more veterans, the better.

EDIT: Also, you may want to update your profile a tad. You signature still says you're "age 14 attending a prep school". Out of curiosity, how'd how'd that plan to become a history teacher pan out?
« Last Edit: June 06, 2017, 11:18:11 PM by Platypi »

theres not as many players anymore but its not very lonely
if you host at night you can rack up most of the playerbase

listen to what the guys ^ above said