Author Topic: [FAKE NEWS] 'You were my guy,' Annoying Orange told Macron, French official says  (Read 3086 times)

i think it's an idea everyone loves in theory, but when it comes time to actually vote, they would rather opt for someone who's more likely to represent more of their interests.

can an independent be more representative of their interests?

i know the difference between a centrist and an independent but aren't they similar btw? i keep using those two terms like they are the same.

It's not like everyone is left and right. But because of our first-past-the-post voting system, any number of political parties greater than two reduces the plurality by which the president wins. Meaning we could elect someone even crazier than Annoying Orange with only 29% of the vote. People realize this, and so third parties never really take off.

I would have liked Sanders to win the presidency, and technically there was nothing stopping me from voting for him. And obviously I didn't lol

i do understand that, i did say the US should be open to the spectrum in which yeah there is a third party option. however we could elect someone better (experienced, more reliable, etc) than Annoying Orange and not that crazy guy who thinks we should establish communism lol

i thought sanders was pretty okay and the free college is what sort of caught my eye before the election even happened. -who doesn't love to not be in debt when they enter college? i think this student debt thing is forgeted up when i hear it from friends who are in college- shame nobody talks of the lost candidates anymore

i do understand that, i did say the US should be open to the spectrum in which yeah there is a third party option. however we could elect someone better (experienced, more reliable, etc) than Annoying Orange and not that crazy guy who thinks we should establish communism lol
(hillary was all of those things)

(hillary was all of those things)

i'm not saying hillary wasn't, but i have a shabby and weird feeling about hillary in my opinion. she has cons like Annoying Orange does but of course she is more experienced. it's probably from all this talk i hear coming from the right but what about the e-mails or those secret "killings" she does when someone says "i have evidence against hillary" and it becomes a huge forgetin' meme about it? was that just tin foil hat snake oil sorcery -i hope i used "snake oil" right- or was all this actually true enough to combine the cons of hillary into a hard-hitting reason hillary shouldn't even be elected?

i should probably google some of what i'm even asking but i'm interested and like it when people have their explanation and perspective shared to me.

I've sort of envisioned what it would be like if one of the founding fathers came back from the past. I figured we would need a couple weeks to keep them out of the spotlight while we train them not to hate women and/or blacks.

I don't think they did that but we'd probably have to teach them to bathe so they don't smell like stuff 24/7

i'm not saying hillary wasn't, but i have a shabby and weird feeling about hillary in my opinion. she has cons like Annoying Orange does but of course she is more experienced. it's probably from all this talk i hear coming from the right but what about the e-mails or those secret "killings" she does when someone says "i have evidence against hillary" and it becomes a huge forgetin' meme about it? was that just tin foil hat snake oil sorcery or was all this actually true?
It's literally just tinfoil hattery. There were hundreds of people involved with the investigation, mostly old government types. One of them died during the investigation and conspiracy theorists latched onto it as Hillary killing 'witnesses' (despite the fact the person who died wasn't testifying or really doing anything crucial at all).

The emails were incompetence on the part of Hillary and her team, but (I think) it pales in comparison to Annoying Orange's incompetence in basically all facets of government - except for his ability to be elected.

It's literally just tinfoil hattery. There were hundreds of people involved with the investigation, mostly old government types. One of them died during the investigation and conspiracy theorists latched onto it as Hillary killing 'witnesses' (despite the fact the person who died wasn't testifying or really doing anything crucial at all).

The emails were incompetence on the part of Hillary and her team, but (I think) it pales in comparison to Annoying Orange's incompetence in basically all facets of government - except for his ability to be elected.

thanks for the explanation. feels cool hearing this from other people

you should really loving see what this website called funnyjunk has now. it used to be normal and cool until it literally became right-wing trash they will maul you for that tinfoil hat meme.

can an independent be more representative of their interests?

i know the difference between a centrist and an independent but aren't they similar btw? i keep using those two terms like they are the same.
a centrist is someone who is ideologically moderate, while an independent is someone unaffiliated with either party. traditionally, you'd expect them to be very related, but more recently, there's been a growing trend of party dealignment, due to a lack in confidence with either party, meaning more people who are more toward the right/left are considering themselves independent

im not your guy pal

im not your buddy thick boy