Author Topic: [NEWs] chinese satellites blast quantum transmission record  (Read 1178 times)

Low Earth Orbit, Space — It started out as a day of fun in the sun at the Micius satellite in Low Earth Orbit last Thursday – but things quickly turned dangerous.

Project Chief Commander Wang Jianyu told New Atlas, "I heard like a 'beep boop' kind of thing. And I looked over and I saw a satellite who's probably like 10 meters long, with a 488 km perigee and gasping to be shot with a laser"

The satellite is a 1-year-old satellite at Low Earth Orbit for the Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS) program.

Jianyu said the young satellite was making an orbiting motion, screaming to entangle a photon.

Not only was it Wang's 20th year on the job, it was only 27 hours into his shift, when he had to put the project leading skills he had learned to the test.

"Entangled photons pairs can still have their states inferred, and they're still across theoretically infinite distances, but they are still inextricably linked,” said Jianyu

Lead researcher Jian-Wei Pan said, "The photon activated his emergency quantum entanglement plan. He got up off the beam splitter and shot up and helped the satellite to communicate. He had just completed ... a 12,000 km travel the nanosecond before for all of our new and returning entangled photons and we were ready to go, day one."

China's QUESS project says the scary scene proved to be the perfect reminder to scientists about instantaneous communication across long distances  … knowing the photon can drastically shift its state for the worse in the blink of an eye.

"Never let it out of your sight," said Jian-Wei Pan. "That's what I do with entangled photons, no matter where it's at or where it goes, it can't go where I can't see her.”

As for Wang Jianyu, he says being the project's chief commander is a passion and dream come true. His first long distance quantum entanglement on the job, he says, is one he’ll never forget.

"I was realizing that I just teleported information across a 12,000 kilometer distance. And that is something not many other people can say. Nothing my friends have ever said."

Between the world's physics laboratories, New Atlas reports there were 4 quantum entanglement experiments in just the last two decades.  All experiments were successful, thanks to the well-trained physicists  on duty.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 11:49:59 PM by Niblic² »

This stuff is the precursor to quantum computers and everybody should be excited for that

read about this a couple of days ago—this is very exciting

being able to communicate instantly despite being light-years apart would be huge

being able to communicate instantly despite being light-years apart would be huge

and also impossible

nobody has yet complained that the source is just http://source
not even a valid URL

no colored-black text this time though

now we just need to find a way to detect entangled particles without observing particle A and B simultaneously

nice source
This stuff is the precursor to quantum computers and everybody should be excited for that
funnily enough we actually need quantum computers if we want our computers to get any smaller---if we try to get it any smaller information will just go straight through gates because the quantum particles are going through it
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 09:57:03 AM by Drydess »

now we just need to find a way to detect entangled particles without observing particle A and B simultaneously
close your eyes

whats loving hilarious is niblics rendition

whats loving hilarious is niblics rendition

dude niblic is a master stuffposter it's not even an insult

yeah but what about lifeguard 15