Author Topic: consle hacked badspot does extreme spamming on Servo2's Cityrpg  (Read 1496 times)

A person currently known as consle hacked badspot (previously spamming as consle's rage) was endlessly posting and spamming research links into the chat on Servo2's Cityrpg this morning in which he ended up leaving after a huge amount of spam, only to come back under a different username and continue to spam as this is all on top of the stuffty administration at this server.


Seems to be changing names a lot

whoa, badspot was hacked by the console? man i knew it, badspot made skynet

"brother with huge ass nut"

"Jericho" why does that name sound awfully familiar

Yea, this guy has done stupid stuff like this in the past, doesn't seem to surprise me

Suprising how his key wasnt revoked

OT: /Support this guy is a huge douche.

negative votes represent trolls