Author Topic: My steam queue is just forgeted.  (Read 832 times)

So I'm checking out my steam queue literally every result is those anime story telling games with some softcore "hentai" if you can call it that. Girls with big boobs almost nothing covering the bodies.

Literally every result.

What is steam doing?

These aren't even games.

if you buy all of them then they'll stop showing up in your suggestions

they're suggested based on what you play, what you look at, and what's on your wishlist

clearly you show a lot of interest in it

they're suggested based on what you play, what you look at, and what's on your wishlist

clearly you show a lot of interest in it

No it;s because i played dump in the dark which is not related to these anime visual novels lol

tony these are on your wishlist man

tony these are on your wishlist man

How would you know

I have more than just that on the wishlist though lol

tony, panty party is 15% off you better act fast

Pretty sure things on wish list impacts your queue. I guess whatever you are seeing is what you really want.

I believe that is true, Kyuande.

for a long time I had GTA V in my list, and it kept going "you can't look at this you're too young" and wouldn't let me look at the queue because it suggested something and then told me I couldn't play it. I could lie, but then it wouldn't warn me about other stuff and generally, if it's got an age limit on it, I'm not interested.
Eventually they added a button to skip stuff but only if you haven't yet entered your age and are sitting at the age limit screen which is odd

Anyways, you can filter things you don't want to see by tags, can't you? Try that, I suppose.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 03:17:08 AM by Super Suit 12 »