Author Topic: Hip-Hop Heads Megathread - Humanz  (Read 31151 times)

i'm prayin for tyler to drop a new album. if it's just more clothes i'm cutting my foot off

big fish theory is aight. bagbak and big fish are still the two best tracks. yeah right is good. samo is loving garbage because its features rocky and all he does is say two loving words

Got my hands on Tyler's new album yesterday, what I love about it is how his "sound" has evolved in terms of production and lyricism but there's still the signature marks of his on all the tracks. What I'm not a fan of is how disjointed it is, there's sorta a narrative within it, but it is very disjointed, in fact the album ends pretty abruptly, which is weird because it's 14 songs, but the narrative of this one just sorta stops all of a sudden. Speaking of narrative, I could be wrong but it seems like Tyler has ditched the alter-ego plot line that was present in his previous albums. Still worth a listen once it's released though.

Oh yeah and he came out as gay in this album, there's lines such as "I've been kissing white boys since 2004" on a track called 'Garden Shed' (an object very similar to the metaphorical closet), and a few others. Of course there's no issue there, but this is actually quite relevant. He's either actually coming out on this album, or this album IS actually part of the alter-ego plot line and we're getting a new glimpse at a new alter ego that so happens to prefer people the same love as him.

Regardless, it was good, it wasn't amazing or fantastic, I'd even say Cherry Bomb was the better album in comparison to this, but that said it doesn't mean you shouldn't dive into it.

Oh yeah and he came out as gay in this album

i actually think scumforget flower boy is his best album so far and i loved wolf back in highschool

the new gorillaz album is trash and should be disowned by them