Author Topic: Blockland won't authenticate after 4 reinstallations, 3 firewall resets.  (Read 1339 times)

Yes here i am again, here to annoy you guys again, before I rant this is continuing on from the last authentication help thread I made, right here -->
please read that before replying to me, thank you.
So anyways just as the title says, in my other post, someone told me to turn off firewall, or at least I have heard from another generous person. So i went to Windows Firewall and then went to Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall and disabled blockland from receiving private and public stuff, and for the first time it worked. So here is the steps I took for the four loving reinstallations, and 3 firewall resets.
"Step 1
Wake up, do stuff, do my sunday morning routine. Go on the computer, and play Blockland. And to no avail, blockand can't authenticate, no biggie, so I play singleplayer. 4 hours later I see my friend get on, and I say hello. i try to connect by using the steam, join friend function thingy, which was mentioned in the other post, but it doesn't work. So the steam join friend function doesn't always work. If you're confused at any bit of what I am saying please don't hesitate to let me know, I will glady alleviate you of your confusion, because I am strongly focused on playing this game online ASAP.

"Step 2"          These aren't really steps actually.


Yes here i am again, here to annoy you guys again, before I rant this is continuing on from the last authentication help thread I made, right here -->
please read that before replying to me, thank you.
So anyways just as the title says, in my other post, someone told me to turn off firewall, or at least I have heard from another generous person. So i went to Windows Firewall and then went to Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall and disabled blockland from receiving private and public stuff, and for the first time it worked. So here is the steps I took for the four loving reinstallations, and 3 firewall resets.
"Step 1"                     These aren't really steps actually.
Wake up, do stuff, do my sunday morning routine. Go on the computer, and play Blockland. And to no avail, blockand can't authenticate, no biggie, so I play singleplayer. 4 hours later I see my friend get on, and I say hello. i try to connect by using the steam, join friend function thingy, which was mentioned in the other post, but it doesn't work. So the steam join friend function doesn't always work. If you're confused at any bit of what I am saying please don't hesitate to let me know, I will gladly alleviate you of your confusion, because I am strongly focused on playing this game online ASAP.

What I downloaded at 7/9/17          That date is when I reinstalled 4 times and did 3 firewall resets
I downloaded some mods: Default Fence Brick Extras
and some guns
Please feel free to let me know how you feel about these addons, I'm just putting every little detail to help troubleshoot this authenticating glitch.

"Step 3"
So, I tried joining my friend for a forget ton of times, and yep, nothing worked. Frustrated, I heeded my friend's words, "try doing the opposite of using the desktop shortcut" so I went to my steam library, and pressed play on Blockland, YEP DIDN"T loving WORK! So we continued chatting, for a bit, he told me to reinstall, I decided, sure why not? I did and it didn't loving work. So me, still pushing along, decided to turn off firewall. And...IT WORKED, BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! Me, being quite happy and eager to end this auth problem decided to put all of my custom mods in the default folder.( Remember I reinstalled it, and before I could put my backup mods in, I turned off firewall for blockland and it worked, but not for long)I did and... well, it didn't work anymore. I was so pissed, so me still pushing on once again decided to reinstall blockland, and turn off firewall again. Yes! It worked! BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!I forgot what I did, I think I added some addons on to my default folder, and the auth failed yet again. So I reinstalled yet another time and guess what Little Timmy, IT DIDN"T loving WORK EVEN AFTER FIREWALL WAS TURNED OFF.
Also side note: The 1st reinstallation was an earlier date meaning I reinstalled Blockland because I had the same problem, some day ago.
Please, Please help me my fellow forumers, and together we can destroy this auth failing menace!
Join with me my brothers!
No seriously, please do.
Feel free to add suggestions and questions of any type, I will happily reiterate and explain. ANY comments are welcomed, even like
ask Annoying Orange for help

The reply above me is the one you should look at, the first topic reply is when I accidentally pressed Post, but no worries I copy and pasted the real topic post, in the reply above me.


ask Annoying Orange for help

Who is your ISP? What router do you have?
If you did every thing on your computer it's not your fault. If you don't have access to the router you won't be able to do anything.

Thank you Kyuande!
I use AT&T
Broadband router??? Sorry i don't know much
Please bump this, also thank you. Also please tell me your opinion on what I did, and if resetting router is the best choice.

I use AT&T
Sadly AT&T people often have issues authenticating and I have no idea why, may want to contact your ISP about that

Broadband router??? Sorry i don't know much
Yes, such as Netgear, Abee, etc. - this helps to see if it's something with the router if it's not the ISP's fault