Author Topic: [NEWS] NO MANS SKY UPDATE!  (Read 8077 times)

How many people worked on NMS? I think it was around 7 people but I'm more then likely mistaken

How many people worked on NMS? I think it was around 7 people but I'm more then likely mistaken
Around 13, I think.

this by a lot. even though not all devs cost $100k
that's true, entry level may be a bit cheaper, but there will be a few that are fair bit more expensive for salary
and that's only salary, benefits cost a whole lot more

Despite all the flack they have been given, deserved or not, I do appreciate that they are trying hard to rectify their mistakes. As long as they don't repeat this with future games, I am willing to forgive this (massive) hiccup.

You do look like a raging friend when you stuff on a game for trying to better itself.

Average games these days just pack it up and work on the next game because they already got your money.

You stuff on fallout 4 what is the difference?

You stuff on fallout 4 what is the difference?

Fallout 4 releases overpriced paid DLC content that should have been in the base game on launch.

Fallout 4 is trying to monopolize on mods to get an extra dollar.

Instead of bettering their game they spent too much development time on the VR edition instead.

Fallout 4 is not trying to better itself.

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RECENT:   Mostly Positive (2,634 reviews)
OVERALL:   Mostly Negative (77,548 reviews)

Seems like they're taking steps in the right direction. Though if this were the direction they were heading in the first place, they could've avoided a massive mess by just putting on the "Early Access" flag. Or waiting till the game was at this point before release. Maybe one more update and I'll install it again.