Author Topic: the reward: tales of alethrion  (Read 645 times)

so I was browsing youtube and I had just finished watching diamond jack for the fifth time when I came across this:

it's a short animation that I've seen a lot of times and I absolutely love it


Tales of Alethrion is basically an epic action fantasy show with distinct locations, deep storytelling, genuine heart, and all of this without any dialogue
they have a patreon and they're pumping these things out in seasons and I cannot loving wait for the next one


I loved this stuff so much. I remember finding the original on /r/dnd a few years ago and loving it. I also like the prequel short which I only learned about recently. Though I kinda feel like they should work on something else rather than keep making new episodes. I dunno, I loved the style and the characters all worked for shorts but they aren't really complex enough (especially since they dont talk lol) to keep an entire series going. I'd prefer if they would just make some new shorts with new characters

oh man i remember watching this years ago
good stuff

I loved this stuff so much. I remember finding the original on /r/dnd a few years ago and loving it. I also like the prequel short which I only learned about recently. Though I kinda feel like they should work on something else rather than keep making new episodes. I dunno, I loved the style and the characters all worked for shorts but they aren't really complex enough (especially since they dont talk lol) to keep an entire series going. I'd prefer if they would just make some new shorts with new characters

I disagree on the fact that they can't carry a series without dialogue. They've done it so far, although I'll agree with you and say that style of storytelling is more suited for episodic storytelling, with new characters each time. I, for one, would be overjoyed if they never gave them distinct dialogue, because we've never been able to really see what a show would look like if the characters didn't talk, and if we can get a successful show out of it that'd be amazing.

Thankfully, they have two groups of characters they haven't explored yet; the two boys that the duo gave the map to and the (presumably) husband and wife.

simpletons get out rrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee