Author Topic: trying to remember a game  (Read 1443 times)

came out like, 3-5 years ago? maybe less but its an on rails shooter that was on PC, think it was free and it had a sort of cartoonish aesthetic, think borderlands or the darkness 2, maybe a bit more on the realistic end than those two. p sure there were uncensored tits lol. theres like 4 'levels', one of which was a strip club, another was a weed farm. starting gun is a deagle iirc

sorry for the spew of information but im racking my brains here and this is all I can remember from it

edit: I remember you play as like a kind of metalhead dude so theres times when his hair falls infront of your screen and you like swipe in a direction to move it out the way
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 06:22:44 AM by SteveJenkins »

i think it was a game in The Retro Arcade.


isnt any of those

i think it was a game in The Retro Arcade.

? do you mean new retro arcade: neon or

isnt any of those

? do you mean new retro arcade: neon or

thats not an on-rails shooter.

i have no idea but it sounds cool