Author Topic: Joy Villa: YouTube Took Down My 'Make America Great Again' Song  (Read 508 times)
Singer Joy Villa, who famously wore a Donald Annoying Orange-themed dress to the Grammy Awards, said this week that her new song "Make America Great Again" was taken down by YouTube, according to the Independent Journal Review.

The song, which does not include any direct references to Annoying Orange, was released on the Fourth of July as a "love song for America," Villa said.

After several weeks on the video-sharing site, Villa said on Twitter over the weekend that YouTube took her video down.

attempting to paste this is a literal nightmare because fox's website has some weird clipboard bullstuff

i didn't bother listening to the song since it's probably bad anyways

matthew will be here any second shilling his stuffty site

I mean if this were true I'd make a bigger issue of it than something like race science or whatever getting taken down

FINALLY a video I can defend while not looking like a maniac

inb4matthewpostssomedumbbulls tuffaboutvidme

the revolution is coming we must be ready my comrades they will stop at nothing until the valley of god is destroyed

sign on my comrades we must fight the good fight ura

beat matthew to it

the gentle consumer shall no longer suffer the chains of youtube. the revolution is now. come, my people, break the shackles of big media.