Author Topic: Wurm Unlimited available for as low as $1 in Humble Bundle  (Read 1693 times)

Hey guys, Wurm Unlimited is in the humble bundle. As of this post, there are about 8 days left to grab it (as well as Borderlands and Van Helsing) for a dollar.

If you don't know, Wurm Ultimate is the standalone edition of the MMO in which players are in control of server hosting and settings. It's a realistic survival and exploration game released in 2003 in which you can... quite literally do whatever you want in a player-driven persistent world. A lot of newer players will say this game is like Minecraft meets Runescape, but this game is more difficult and time-consuming than either of those. Notch and his partner were the ones to originally create Wurm Online, though!

Oh, you can play the MMO (Wurm Online) for free on the official servers, but all skills are capped at 20 and require a paid subscription to raise. There are no skill limits, restrictions, premium currency, or cash shops in Wurm Unlimited.

Let me get one thing straight with you: if you don't like grinding hard to make something amazing, skip this game. It can take up to 3 hours to cut down and chop up a tree. This is a very slow-paced and relaxing RPG. However, if you're willing to put in the effort and build a town with your friends, the return value for your effort is incredible. When getting started, be sure to set aside several hours to get prepared. This, unfortunately, isn't a game where you can build a simple starter home in the first three minutes. You have to do EVERYTHING from scratch in this game, but that's okay because the crafting system is absolutely badass.

Anyway, I just thought I'd spread the word. This game is incredible if you're into these kinds of games, even if the graphics are really outdated. If there's anyone on this forum who plays, we should join/start a server and build a kingdom. :)

EDIT: A Wurm Online subscription typically costs 8 euro a month. Instead, pay $1 and get the full unrestricted "offline edition" of the game with unofficial/modded servers! You're sacrificing progress security for no monthly payments and custom servers, but if you find a popular longer-lasting server (like Mythmoor), you'll be okay. It is worth noting that there is decay (thanks Ayxrion) so you'll have to drop by occasionally. Most servers I have seen have the starter tents decay after three (real time) weeks, which is PLENTY of time to get a house built.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2017, 05:39:48 PM by Remurr »

I remember playing on Wurm Online a long time ago, wasn't aware of the skill caps nor was I anywhere close to reaching them.

I was trying to make a little shack out in the middle of the woods. Struggling with everything. I was finally making some progress but I was hungry. I had some food stored away and I was going to go back and eat it. But I saw a giant worm-like creature coming. I tried to fight it but it was clearly stronger than me so I fled. I watched the forgeter go to my stash, and then forget off. I go to grab the food but it's gone. The forgeter ate my only food and left.

As for the game itself. It's very, very interesting. If you are the kind of person who has a lot of spare time and just want to lose themself in something, this is something to do that in. I personally don't have the time or patience to play it personally but I'd still recommend it.

for a moment I thought you were talking about worms and I was like forget yeah but now I'm just disappointed

I made a review for this game and i'll post it here:

I played this game for 20 hours in the past 2-3 days. Before it had a standalone (Wurm Online), I used to play the game on and off. Here are some things you should consider before buying the game:

This game takes time. LOTS, LOTS, LOTS of time. It took my friend and I 20 hours to FINALLY build a 1x1 shed. [to be fair he only anted a 1x1] (This was on a 2.5x skill gain server)

This is not a game where you can AFK, even though it has that theme of it. Macros are HIGHLY frowned upon and often bannable. The closest you can get to afk is opening console, and typing "bind <KEYHERE> <ACTION> (MINE_FORWARD for example)"

Leveling up skills in a server that isn't modded skill-gain wise will take forever, and ever. Even on skill-gain increased servers it will take a while. Especially since the game does not increment by just one digit. However, leveling up and learning new things is only available after a regular integer.
Instead, it's decimals. For example, Body control, an important skill for riding different animals, will increment by like 0.061, or even lower. (0.0051?)

This game is boring as all ♥♥♥♥ without playing with someone. Being alone is boring and slows down a lot of progress.

Again, TIME. This is probably what turns people off the most in this game, is the fact that you can't buiild a castle from the first day. Hell, you cant even build a house on your first night. (Not even close too unless 10x skill gain.. hehe).
This game will suck your hours in like a clingy girlfriend.

This game is targeted for specific audiences. A lot of people you will meet and play with are old. My main server's owner is a 64 year old.

Personally-- I think this game is built upon time and accomplishment. You spend a lot of time working on something and the accomplishment, the reward of building said object is what makes the game special.

You should take caution into buying this game- If you're willing to spend hours on this game, hours and hours of dedication into the game, BUY IT.
If you have a friend thats willing to play with you for hours, BUY IT.

If you're not going to spend at least 50-100 hours int othis game, DO NOT BUY IT. You will not enjoy it.
Impatient? DO NOT BUY IT. This game is all about time and patience.

I'll add something with the review (too lazy to post it into the actual steam review)

You'll need to 'tend' to this game on the occasion. Theres a decay system sort of like how Haven and Hearth works (If you don't know what HnH is, play the legacy, not the newer one [not to say newer one isnt bad])

  • If an item is not on paved land, it gets decayed, or the health of the item, decreases 5x
  • Wear on vehicles/carts == decay. If a vehicle has too much decay, it will not be able to function. It will also carry less stuff.
  • Your house can be decayed after a while of it being up. IF I RECALL weather DOES NOT affect it unless it's a server mod.
  • Food has decay as well. Decayed food = less nutrition.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2017, 05:26:33 PM by Ayxrion »

cool game, but its just full of griefers. a lot of work for nothing.

cool game, but its just full of griefers. a lot of work for nothing.
griefing is hard as hell, especially if the target is on a deed

griefings hard as hell unless you're on a skill gain server, where it's incredibly easy to get war machines/axes/etc up.
It's even EASIER if you have an affinity (the asterisk symbol by skills, gives 10% more XP gain) for one of the skills that bashes
generally the people who grief are absolute douchebags because they usually have 2k+ hours into this loving game. it's all they do outside of work.

unless you're not talking about bashing and instead on griefing via placing cobblestone tiles and stuff by peoples houses (you cant dig by cobble tiles unless you're a high enough strength) then forget those people. srs

 find a decent server with decent administration. i can recommend a server with somewhat few people (it generally has 0-3 people on :(  ) called "Second Age". its a 2.5x skill gain if you worry much.

(if anyones down to play and make a somewaht nice village im all for it hmu here :)
« Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 05:30:11 PM by Ayxrion »

I'm on Mythmoor if anyone wants to come say hi. I'm still camping just outside of the NE town portal, but I've built a large cart and five small crates, ready to go. Unfortunately I'm not strong enough to load the crates into the cart, though. :(

Also, are affinities in Wurm Ultimate? I know you needed a Premium sub for Wurm Online for them, but since there's no subscriptions for Unlimited, idk. I've been playing on Mythmoor for four days now and I still don't have any asterisks, but I noticed 3 of my skills (Body strength, cooking, and i think bladesmithing) got a "[3x]" identifier when I died to a hell hound, but I also lost a good deal of skill points in each of those skills upon death so I'm a little confused as to what this identifier is.

But yeah if anyone gets the game, I'll be on in the evenings MST on Mythmoor throughout the week. You can find me and some friends camped out just north of the NE portal exit from Moor's Rest. I'll be camping there for a few more days--pretty much until I can find someone with +23.0 body str to load my crates into my large cart so I can start bringing stuffloads of resources to found a settlement up north, and perhaps eventually even to the Northlands if we can find a way there.

edit: just realized the 3x modifiers are because i died and are there to help me recover my skills
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 03:40:56 PM by Remurr »

Yeah, Affinities are in WU (as the *). Certain servers don't have it, certain servers (like the Second Age [server i played on]) you can donate fantastic items for affinities.

i was on mythmoor for a bit, will definitely be on again but too lazy to actually get started lol
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 04:52:31 PM by Ayxrion »