Author Topic: Is it safe to drink hot chocolate out of a tervis?  (Read 1911 times)

is it safe to drink hot chocolate out of this? i wont get cancer or plastic poisoning or anything? the plastic wont melt?

asking for myself because i already fixed the hot chocolate and the tervis mug is the only thing big enough around to hold more than 2 cups of liquid

my mom put some fresh tea in a tervis once. that was the last thing i ever saw her drinking

why are you drinking more than two cups of hot chocolate in a single sitting

I mean it shouldn't melt but who knows, never known of death by hot chocolate of a tervis :p

why are you drinking more than two cups of hot chocolate in a single sitting
i usually drink 2 or 3

well, looking at the site, it looks like they're made for hot drinks as well as cold ones.  as long as your hot chocolate isn't boiling hot, it shouldn't leech or melt.  it's drinkware, after all; saying your tumblers can store hot drinks can get you in hot water if it causes health problems

The cup is going to make you gay just like the plastic water bottles that are turning our fish transgender

plastic poisoning, he says

If plastic poisoning was something anyone was aware of, we'd pretty much all be forgeted. You should be safe.